It’s so much fun! I planned my gender reveal, baby shower and now my baby’s 1st bday for Feb 9th. I love making a pinterest board first with all inspiration and ideas and then bringing that to life (with lots of DIY but there’s a lot of small businesses who do balloon arches, soft play, decorating etc.) I love balling on a budget lmao so I’ll be doing a lot of DIY! We are doing groovy one for my daughters 1st bday and I was able to find a lot of ideas on tiktok for the theme, and a lot of the decor is easy to make and i found at Hobby lobby, amazon, walmart & Temu. For the photoshoot if you want to be able to use the pictures for his bday decoration or to show them in frames I’d try to schedule it for as early as March possible (if the photographer has a quick turn around) or even better middle of February would be ur best bet!
If you want to do the extravagant party, I’d look on Pinterest or other places online for party ideas. We didn’t do any huge parties but I got a lot of the decorations off of Etsy to match the theme perfectly (she’s 2 so we did safari theme and then a bluey theme). I’m a big planner so I started planning her parties a couple months in advance to make sure everything was perfect 😅 we did her pictures before her birthday because we had a banner that we used for photos from newborn up to 1 year and then for her actual birthday, I took her out on my own and spoiled her
@Jewels thank you!!! I need to start making the Pinterest board. When do you think I should start making/buying the decor and stuff for the party?
@Jewels I love that!!! I might take you up on that offer…
@Chloe Never too early if you would prefer to start doing that now! I waited for ever bc we have to get christmas out of the way first 🤣 So i just started last week and we’ve got about a month and 2 weeks until her party but everything had been planned out for a couple of months so whatever works for your pace! If ur doing woodlands animals i know party city had a lot of that theme and they’re going out of business so u might find some sales there. Beary first birthday would be sooo cute too
@Chloe Gotcha girl u can just message me on here or instagram! @Jewxlss
@Jewels okay great I’m gonna starting planning asap then. I’m gonna put your instagram in my 1st bday party notes so I don’t forget!
Since you're wanting to plan a big extravagant bash (and power to you for doing so!) just something to be aware of - some babies at 1 year old may get overstimulated easily, with a lot of people and presents and a lot going on. Ours was only about 10-12 people, but even that was a lot for our girl. The presents confused her and she was a little overwhelmed (fortunately, we had a little girl attend who stuck by her and made the whole thing easier!) Just something to consider - obviously, you know your boy and what he can handle, but it's something I wish I had thought of sooner! I made sure to keep my Christmas relatively small by comparison, and it was much easier on my girl. 💜 She enjoyed it a lot more.
@Melissa I’m wanting to make it super pretty but absolutely no more than 10 MAYBE 15 people. I’m not a big fan of big parties myself lol. But I am a big fan of pretty ones😂 we just had a big family Christmas and it was too much for my son and definitely too much for me lol
Aww, I definitely get that! Not one for big crowds myself. A few things I found helped - - I timed it to start during her second nap. Guests could arrive and get situated, have some initial chatter, and she got her sleep in so she was fresh and ready to go for the party. - kept it short. Under 2 hours. We had just a few close family members stay later for dinner, which was more intimate and familiar to her since we do that often. - if you can, try to have other babies or young kids in attendance! It really was our saving grace. Adults can be intimidating, and babies really gravitate towards young kids. My poor girl was so nervous and unsure at first, but having the other little girl there helped bring her out and she had a much better time because of it!
@Jewels aww, your baby’s first birthday and my birthday are the same day. Birthday twins! 🥰🥰
@Katie We plan to do the same! Bday party on Feb 8th and then take her out with her dad maybe to the zoo or aquarium just us 3 on her actual bday, 2/9!
@s a r a 🥀 those photos are beautiful! You did a great job. I started planning today during nap time, reached out to a photographer and am bouncing ideas off of her. I was able to get a good price, $200 so I’m happy about that. I think it will be good to get it started now so I don’t do it last minute and stress. Just gotta figure out a party budget
Genuinely, my daughter is turning 2 in a little over a week, and i went ALL OUT for her first birthday!!!!!!!……….. but nobody noticed I’m going smaller this year, but I’ve also come too the conclusion: she doesn’t know what a birthday IS yet, and all of the family is more focused on the baby than recognizing what you put into it Maybe next year we’ll go bigger again, but I’m not sure
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@Chloe thank you! That’s not bad of a price. I spent about $400 for my photo session - worth it though. Yes, photographers will help you with just about almost everything to make your vision come true ☺️ I honestly didn’t have a budget. Got all the birthday supplies/theme of my choice but the hard part for me was the food. I struggled for ideas as I had my grandmother make the food but wanted something that’s not too difficult to make for her - although, she wouldn’t mind it. Do you know where you’re hosting the party?
@s a r a 🥀 Im so stressed about the food😭 I think I’m going to have it at my parents house! I’m not 100% yet, It would be great to have it outdoors… but you can’t plan for the weather 3 months in advice😂 I’m in Washington so 6/10 chance it will be raining that day. March is a very grey, wet, cold month for us over here😅
@Chloe I feel you. I’m always stressed about what food to make. Oh yeah, I understand that feeling. I’m in Oregon. lmao. My birthday is in February and it’s always cold, raining or both 😭 With my first born, we did it at home for his 1st birthday. So, we’re thinking to do the same with our second child’s 1st birthday. Our apartment is small so definitely only immediate family 😅
@s a r a 🥀 I literally have no clue what I’m doing but everyone starts somewhere, right? I think the food is going to be the hardest party for me honestly. This what my first time doing a big Christmas, organizing everything and I was absolutely exhausted😭 hoping this goes a little better but we will see
@Chloe I feel with first birthdays, it’s hard and not sure what you’re doing, who to invite, ect,. Things didn’t go as planned when we were planning my son’s 1st birthday but it turned out good at the end. We ended up having a potluck style and everyone brought a dish/drink of their choice. We just provided cake and desserts/sweets as we paid prior to the party. When we planned his 2nd birthday, it got easier.
@s a r a 🥀 I’ve never been a protectionist, but when it comes to my son and his milestone, I’ll silently lose it if it isn’t how I planned😅 I’m hoping everything will go alright. But if it doesn’t, that’s okay too. It will be special no matter what
My sons is March 19th