
My LO is 6 months and she’s been teething on and off for the past couple months, her most recent phase has really unsettled her but I’m now noticing a whitish area on her gums but the location seems off to me, it’s completely thrown my off on where her teeth are supposed to be coming through, I was expecting to see the whitish tone across the top of her gums just before they pierce through the gum line just as I’ve seen on other pics, is this normal?
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I’m not a dr or anything but I don’t think that looks like teeth coming in. It looks more like thrush

It looks painful it doesn’t look normal to me but I’m not a doctor so don’t listen to me. I hope she’s okay!

@Blair I’m pretty confident it isn’t thrush, there’s no other signs to indicate it is and it’s only where I’m expecting the bottom front teeth to appear from that have this ☺️

@Kels she’s generally okay but showing the usual teething symptoms, we are currently on holiday too 😩 I’ve seen a couple teething pics on google that look similar but nothing to say why the white is below the gumline

Okay good I’m glad !

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