I put cheerios in the toilet for my son to aim at lol and got him his favorite character underwear I said don't pee on Sonic!!! He said I wont!!! Lol
I’m potty training my 2 year old girl and she’s doing great with me! My ex has told me he’s too lazy to take her upstairs to go, because the couple times he’s tried she just sits there and giggles. So idk if it’s a thing, but my daughter won’t go with her dad either (not that he’s trying very hard)
@Leslie it does make me feel better. Thank you 🙏🏼
Idk if this will make you feel better but both of my older kids did not show any interest in the potty until late 3 years old and weren't fully trained until 5. I've heard and experienced that boys take longer. Even when I worked in the DOE we had some kids that just needed more time getting the hang of it. My 5 year old only recently mastered being able to wipe alone. I know it's frustrating being the default parent. I've been there. It's exhausting.