Scar and tummy hurting

I don’t need the passive aggressive or judgmental comments about not waiting 18months. I’m 25 weeks pregnant and my scar is hurting and sometimes my belly just above becomes a bit tender where baby is. Is this a normal thing or I should I seek help about checking my scar. I was 6months pp when I found out I was pregnant. It wasn’t planned as we have fertility issues. I don’t see my midwife until next week and I’m not due at the hospital until the end of the month. I don’t want to hassle them if it’s nothing
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Have you checked to see if there is any splitting or anything? And 6 months PP is obviously very soon and you may not have fully healed inside, if it's causing pain and paracetamol isn't helping it it's unbearable then I would ring and ask your midwife about it, no harm in asking, always better safe than sorry 🤞 for you

@Jen nothing visible from the outside pain come if I’m doing stuff but I also have pelvic issues so I take cocodamol. I also don’t have a number for my midwife I’ve only seen her twice and she said I will only see her next week and 1 more time after that

I got pregnant at 13 months PP after being advised to wait 12-18 months. I found that during my first trimester, my scar area was painful! I put this down to stretching of scar tissue to be honest. I’m now 26 weeks and carrying quite low. I don’t find my scar to be painful anymore though, just all the other pregnancy related ailments!

I had pelvic girdle pain! Tell your midwife and get her to refer you to someone for it, they can't really do anything but yeah... But unfortunately it will just be everything stretching out again after section... I had pgp with both pregnancies, just take it easy and do what you can do really... Maybe get a belly support? X

@Jen I have it all as this is the third time with pgp physio does nothing. I’m just more concerned in the scar hurting than the pelvis x

If you are worried, can you not contact someone at the hospital... I think you are too far long for the epu... As I think that's below 18 weeks I could be wrong though.. Maybe they can advise and maybe even offer something x

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