@Korissa thank you so much
You need to do pelvic floor excersise. Every body is different, some get like that after 1 child some don't get it even after 10 🤷♀️ I have perifit thingy, that i can put in and play games on my phone while squeezing the muscles. Deffinetley makes it more fun to train those muscles 🥰 But I don't agree with previous comment that your partner can't feel difference. My Hubby deffinetley did, I'm much looser than I was before kids(but thats good in my case), so here again everyone is different 🙂
Seconding that my partner said it’s not really any different for him. I would recommend pelvic floor exercises though regardless because it’s so annoying to pee a little when you cough or sneeze (it happens to me 😭) I’m due with twins soon so I imagine it will get a lot worse, going immediately to a pelvic floor specialist once I’m recovered lol.
You’re not loose your muscles are just recovering from holding a 5-10lb baby + amniotic sack + placenta up! They’re TIRED and sometimes a lil liquid will come out. Super normal. Just keep doing your pelvic exercise. But I PROMISE you when it comes to sex with your partner you’re not loose. Liquid finding its way out is much different than what a whole penis is feeling lol. I have the same issues but I asked my BD when we had sex 8w pp of it felt any different and he said not at all. I can also tell by his reactions and pauses that he ment that 🤭 You’re still PP for 2 whole years after a baby, be nice to your body! She’s got this.