Best advice from Kaylee! Or get a trainer or sent to trainer if you don’t want to do it yourself. Our mini golden was sent to a 4 week course which cost us 2k. But they did every training possible and she is a service dog.
@Victoria unfortunately I don't currently have the funds to send him to a trainer or to have anyone else train him so I have to do it myself if I did have the money I probably would go that route. I just need a little bit of advice to be able to do it myself is all
We took our Berner puppy out every hour or two. We crate trained her as well so that was helpful. When she was really little for about two months, we took her out twice in the middle of the night. We took turns doing that and then we only did one time at night and then she was fine to go at 8:30 pm for her last time and 6:30 in the morning. When we took her potty, we always told her that when she needed to go potty she needed to go to the door and now she does that everytime. You have to get excited for them and give treats when they go outside like they are supposed to and know that it might seem like they are potty trained but may have an accident every once in a while. It definitely happens. I would say that ours was fully potty trained at about 8 months, she would randomly have an accident every once in awhile starting at 5 months. Also I highly suggest taking water up at least an hour before bed time, we used to do it after dinner.
Potty training- take the dude out as often as possible. As soon as he wakes up, outside. After every meal and drink of water, outside. If it’s been 20 minutes since the last time, outside. If he gets a little too interested in sniffing the ground, outside. If you don’t have grass right outside the door I would carry him until you reach grass so he connects the two and doesn’t start peeing on concrete. Eventually you’ll catch on to his cues and routine as will he. My pup was potty trained within a month, I also recommend getting hanging bells by the door that you jingle and say “potty?” Every time you go outside. They will learn to ring the bell when they need/want to go outside pretty quickly. I’ve been pretty lucky with crate training, you do kind of have to suffer with the crying for a bit but try and put them in there at varying times of the day for different durations giving a treat when they go in and after coming out. Good luck!