I’m suffering but have put the operation on hold. I know a few people who have had the procedure and are now worse off. Having your gallbladder removed can lead to further issues with digestions and things down the line. 1 person I know can no longer eat meat, another bloats severely after most meals. Not saying this to worry you but make sure you do your research, hopfully you will have no further complication’s. I’m glad I was able to talk through my concerns with my GP and we have come up with a management plan while I can tolerate and will revert back to the operation when I no longer can x
I know quite a few people who have had their gallbladder removed and continue to life a full life - back to normal pretty much immediately I’m also waiting on surgery for it so I really hope you get on ok and everything is smooth Just remember, ask as many questions as you need to your doctors. Don’t be afraid to “be a nuisance” - your health and wellbeing is important
I had mine removed in 2021 and it was a day procedure. You have to maintain a fat free diet or at least low fat diet for a while, but slowly you can re-introduce some things if your body can handle it.
I had the operation 3 months after I had my May baby. The operation went very well, I was discharged same day. The recovery was also good (I think I was fully recovered within 2-3 weeks). I won’t lie the post op pain was pretty strong as I was bf so I was allowed to take only paracetamol and ibuprofen 😕 If you are not bf, you should get much stronger pain killers to help you (type of morfium). Good luck x