MIL using baby to fill another woman’s void.
Just left dinner with my MIL, baby, husband and my MIL’s mom. My husband was walking around the buffet with the baby while I ate and a server comes over and starts reaching for her. My husband ignored her but she didn’t stop my MIL goes “she wants to hold her”
My husband looked at me and back at the server than ignored her again. my MIL repeats herself three more time “J*** let her hold her.” Now this is a stranger and my daughter is just getting over being sick so we’re weary about who holds her. she has a severe perfume/fragrance allergy that’s led to ER visits so I know my husband was uneasy but his mom wasn’t letting up. She demands my husband let this woman and my husband eventually passes the baby. This woman kisses my baby’s face instantly. And at that moment I saw red.
My MIL the entire time gleaming “everyone just loves her” and “she probably never got the opportunity to have kids of her own.” Not to be insensitive but I don’t care my child is not there to fill a void. She goes on and on “older women just love babies.”
Not wanting to ruin the meal I just politely smiled and my husband took the baby back. This is not the first time my MIL has tried to use my baby to fill another woman’s void. She was persistent in us choosing her bestfriend for the role of god mother (a woman I never met) because she lost her child. I understand the loss I too have lost but it’s not my responsibility to heal other women.
My daughter then went on to have an allergic reaction to the woman’s perfume.
I'd have taken my baby off the stranger and immediately left. It's weird for a stranger to hang around expecting someone to hand over there baby then to kiss the baby is just creepy. MIL would of been told to carry a doll to give to others instead of an actual child especially with allergies to perfumes etc you have no idea if that could of set of a reaction that could of potentially left you child ill, I've struggled to concieve, 4 back to back losses and don't even expect to be handed my families babies never mind a strangers. It's weird behaviour from both MIL and server, I'd absolutely be having words with MIL about boundaries and the restaurant you visited because what normal person does that?