@Kayleigh where did you find the pre made ones with teats please x
I'm sat here right now after my 35 week twins decided they wanted to arrive. They will give you formula in a pre-made bottle and will say don't use yours while you're here as you get it anyway. There is a sterilising area for bottles etc. I took 4 bottles per baby. Take food and drinks you like as the food is awful. Visiting is also terrible and they will only allow your partner and 1 other. Even if your partner comes out you're still only allowed 1 other.
Those are also the exact same ones the hospital gave us to use as well
I had my section at Southmead in March last year - was 37+1 due to GD. Was admitted Tuesday 7am and was released Wednesday around 3pm. They have the small pre-made Kendamil which you can use. We also took 1 box with us (with the teats) and came home with 2 unused! You're not going to be very mobile day of section!