Idk why I’m getting so anxious! Help 😭😭

I’m expecting my second child in a few months, and it just hit me “I have to push this baby out again” 😭😭 I know it might sound silly since I’ve done it before, but with my first pregnancy, I went in completely oblivious about labour pain, I obviously heard about the pain but it’s different when you have never experienced it. I had an unmedicated natural birth (only used gas and air, which honestly didn’t do shit!!!), and the pain was out of this world. I remember feeling like I was having an out-of-body experience lol 😅 Does anyone have tips on how to stay calm? Are there any classes you’d recommend I take please?
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Doesn’t sound silly at all and it makes sense why you feel the way you do! I also had an unmediated birth and only gas and air which also didn’t help😂 for me personally if I were to have another baby I’d want to have some form of pain relief to help me next time as I really wish I had it the first time round!

During contractions, breathe in to your belly to the count of 5 and out and down to the count of 7. Keep going until the contraction has passed and get in the position your body is telling you to get in (for me it was on all fours head down). I did this all through the night while I labored and slept between each contraction, by morning my baby basically fell right out of me 😅 I’m pregnant with my 3rd and going to do this again and hoping it goes as fast this time around

Not silly at all. We all have had our own fears with subsequent pregnancies. Mine have mostly circulated around developing pre-eclampsia again like I did with my son, and that brought me a lot of anxiety (and it was worse not being in my home country so the medical care was different in it's approaches and proceedures) I think talking with your doctor about it, and deciding what kind of pain management you want. Honestly, I would get the epidural if you can, they are fantastic. And there are ways to do it so you can still move even if you don't feel the pain as much. AND you should still be able to feel the need to push. Also looking into the courses for breathing and natural pain management, it could help you feel more calm and to be able to work through the contractions until getting pain management options. And Therapy never hurts either. I know that sounds trite, but your feelings and anxiety is legitimate and having someone talk you through those feelings would probably help. *hugs*

I could have written this myself however I’m further along than you! It only hit me last week! I just had gas and air last time too and this time I’m genuinely just going to get epidural as that’s the only thing keeping me calm😂

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