Any gluten intolerant mamas?

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiacs in 2018 from my Ayurvedic doctor. I stopped eating gluten and it cleared my problems up (except for the occasional rash break out when sometimes drinking alcohol). As the years went by, I would slip up and have a little bit of gluten here and there and just take an activated charcoal to ease the symptoms. Now that I haven’t been drinking alcohol, I’ve noticed that gluten doesn’t bother me at all, I’ve asked my doctor if this was safe for baby and she said as long as I feel fine, then it’s ok. I’m just curious if anyone else has had this same experience? Definitely not mad about being able to eat certain pastas again lol
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I'm not sure I'd risk it. If you do have cealiacs, then symptoms or not, the gluten would be damaging your small intestine and cause other serious issues. If I'm not mistaken, the only treatment for cealiac disease is the permanent removal of gluten from your diet. I'd get retested and see a specialist before I ate gluten. Good luck, OP!

@Hannah thanks for your rec, I definitely want to get retested bc I’m not sure I actually had celiacs in the first place, it always just seemed more like an intolerance (mostly when drinking as well)

@Steely, what were you drinking? If you are eating gluten and not reacting, it's likely you didn't. How long did you go gluten-free for? How did you get diagnosed originally?

@Hannah usually what bothered me was mixed drinks containing liquors , I know for a FACT that I can’t tolerate triple sec either. I’ve been mostly gluten free since 2018 only having small bites of gluten here and there out of fear. I was diagnosed via a blood test, however, no one else in my family has celiacs and I thought previously, it was genetic!

@Steely, it is genetic, but it has to start somewhere. It can be triggered by emotional stress, pregnancy, and other factors. If you've been eating gluten even in tiny amounts, I'd think you'd react if you had cealiacs. Could you have dual issues; some sort of gluten intolerance or potential cealiacs, but also something that gets triggered by alcohol? Or an intolerance to something in the alcohol? Hopefully, you get answers when you get retested.

My sister in law accidentally ate gluten cereal for a few months without realizing when pregnant. Got tested and she didn’t have celiac. 6 months postpartum she was having issues again, went through testing and it came back but worse. She has a lot of family history with celiac. I would speak to a professional.

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