@Thyrene what a beautiful quote. Thank you. I do believe this but sometimes the noise makes me doubt myself.
@Breauna I felt the same today. So overwhelmed. Got the same comment from my sister that she will be spoiled and titty baby. We cosleep, I mentally don’t have any energy to sleep train her. She is literally crying non stop when I leave the room. I don’t have time to go to the restroom literally. However I mastered one skill to do everything with one hand, while holding her. Btw, I read in parenting book that they have a phase at 8 months old, it’s called separation anxiety. Probably will not last long. 🙏
Remember that you are her safe space 🩷 you cannot spoil a baby with too much love. One day she will wake up and realize she wants to be a big girl and sleep in her big girl bed and that will be okay too, but there is nothing wrong with her prefering you. It shows that you have a well established bond with her, not that she's spoiled. Its good for her development because she knows she can trust you and have comfort in you. You are doing great mama 🩷 dont listen to them
Literally going through the same thing with my 7m baby girl.When I’m gone at work she cries herself to sleep and won’t eat anything until I get home ; she makes dad hold her the entire time. It’s a process mama and although tiring I’m glad that she finds comfort in me and I’m sure once they get older and realize there are other people to care and nurture , they will slowly cling less
Thank you guys. This makes me feel much better 🥹
@Marina it really is such a mental load to sleep train. And because I have her at night and then again all day while I work I’ve been choosing the path of least resistance. I get that if she was sleep trained that would ultimately give me more support, but I can’t get past her cries right now
Bullshit what they say. They speak from a perspective where they haven’t tried your way. We co-sleep as well and he now only wants to fall asleep with me in our bed. And that‘s okay! I‘m proud to give my baby the time, attention and love he needs. Studies say you can’t give your baby too much love. Being loved and having their needs met is what will give them confidence in life. It is SO normal that your baby wants to be with you, I mean look at nature. Everything else is unnormal and that’s my strong opinion. You’re doing fantastic, but our society can’t see that because they‘re brainwashed by how it is taught them to raise their kids. Totally neglecting their motherly instincts and following instructions instead. I might get bullshit for this message and I am in no way trying to attack moms that do it differently, but I just wanted to get that message to you. ❤️
You can’t spoil a baby 🫶🏻 always trust your mama instincts. I’ve been a SAHM for 3 yrs after getting my doctorate degree. People/family/friends made comments about why was I staying home and not working. I breastfed my daughter until she was 22 months old. I also got comments about that. Sleep training vs not sleep training..comments from people about that. It can be so hard on a people pleaser like myself and especially a first time mom trying to gain confidence. It took me about a year to get my confidence, set boundaries, and not give an f what anyone else says. They are our babies and we know best 🥰🫶🏻 I went into having my second child way more confident and empowered. It has been much easier this time mentally! I wish I could go back and tell myself that when I first became a mama. Sending you love!
She’s just 7 months mom. Her comfort is in you, my baby is also 7 months and she only Wants me and my husband but all the time she just wants me and yes it's tiring but what can I do, she’s just 7 months and I Am her comfort zone. They’re not spoiled just because they want us, we are their safe place so don't be so hard on yourself. Parenting is a relationship to be nurtured- Not a skill to be Mastered ( Colleen Higs ). 🙂