Feeding help!

Wondering if anyone has any advice, we are day 10 baby is not gained any weight but rather stayed the same weight as day 5, he also seems to not always take his bottle well sometimes he only takes 1oz and goes back to sleep, then takes 3oz or 2oz he never regularly feeds same amount. We are using mam bottles tried nuk but that was too fast and made LO sick, has anyone been in a similar position ? If so, what did you do that helped them eat properly, he appears to also have a lot of gas issues at times…..
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We have had loads of issues with weight gain. My little one was born pre term (37+3) and apparently that is common. He is now being treated for reflux and we are steering the midwives every three days for weigh ins. Is your baby formula fed? Have you tried a different formula? I’m BF here x

Are you formula feeding or BF/pumping? My health visitor said it’s more common for babies on formula to have more wind. Sometimes my boy will only drink an oz or 2, I’ll usually wait 5 minutes and offer him the bottle again, even if he’s drifted off, sometimes he’ll carry on, sometimes he’s done, I’d say always try waiting a few minutes after you’ve taken the bottle away and trying again. Some babies just don’t really take much very early on. Baby should get weighed again soon by the midwife/health visitor, if you’re concerned, please do mention it to them, there’s lots of resources you can access for feeding help! I use the Tommee Tippee anti colic bottles with the slow flow teats, only get very minimal spit up (that’s mostly when his eyes have been bigger than his belly though 😂).

My twins were born 37+2 and struggled to gain weight for a couple of weeks they re formula fed, they sometimes had an ounce and so had to wait half an hour to feed them the rest which they would then take, hang in there mama he will get there xx

I bought tommee tippee anti colic bottles straight away to prevent anything and it's worked so far. My lactation consultant also suggested to tip the bottle up when they're sucking and when they stop to make it level as to reflect how they would do at the breast. We burp her after approx every 2ozl/60ml of the bottle. Sometimes she falls asleep while burping her, so I keep the bottle for the full 30ml before getting rid of it

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