Not enjoying this stage of motherhood

I’m really not enjoying this stage of the toddler tantrums and constantly telling my daughter not to touch something. It’s so so draining I feel like I’m telling her off all day not to do this or that or touch something she shouldn’t. She’s also started hitting, pinching and pulling hair which she thinks is funny. She doesn’t eat hardly any food she refuses it and chucks it all over, her sleep is on another level of shit. I’ve also got a 5 week old baby so my patience is hanging on by a thread and then I feel guilty because I feel like I’m just telling my daughter off all day when I know she is still a baby herself really. I just feel like I’m surviving every day and not enjoying motherhood anymore 😔 she’s also going through a phase of screaming and crying whenever my husband leaves the room even to go to the toilet it’s just an actual nightmare at the moment
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Like you said its a phase and I know it's hard I totally get it but try work through it and it will get better eventually... I have a 18 month old and a 5 month old.. Both girls and some days I feel like omg this is soo hard but I just battle through knowing eventually it will get better xx

I feel the same with mine & now pregnant with baby no2. Truly, I realise better not to react to it nor add more to it. Just let her do something and she will learn eventually. Stopping her from doing it she will find more things that annoys you. As long as she’s not hurting herself or you then best let her be.

Could you make your house more toddler proof? I totally feel you but honestly I'd just remove and hide anything you don't want her to touch. Toddlers do need to explore - its a really strong drive- so it's down to us to try and steer it. The aggression might be jealousy? In her world she's gone from being your no.1 to having to share you, such a hard transition for both of you ❤️

I find this age the hardest, they just don’t listen and have their own agenda completely. Mine have 18 months between them and the first 8 weeks I had the tv on all the time and constant snacks to get through, I felt so guilty at the time but it wasn’t forever. 2 under 2 has it tough moments but it does get easier ❤️

I wasn't a fan of this stage with my oldest but my June twins are honestly really like not enjoyable at all right now. The whinging and fighting is next level and my head is close to full explosion x

@Phaedra I’ve got cupboard and draw latches and removed things she would break but she still finds things to wreck like yanking my curtains in the living room so and they’re nearly off the rails 🤣 x

Honestly just keep removing everything, tie curtains up? I find it's a constant process 😂 it's really hard work.

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