I went in for reduced movements 3 times. 3rd time I was 37+5. Only felt him move twice in the few hours I was monitored, and his heart rate was slightly decreased, so the doctors and I decided to deliver. He was breech, so I needed a c-section and he arrived super tiny but perfectly healthy at 1:47 am the next morning. If you are still concerned, go back. Stand up for yourself and that baby. Also, what do you mean by 10 minutes? Where I live, we get monitored for hours.
I had a scan after the CTG had been successfully ‘passed’ but i’d said the movements still weren’t as I’d normally feel them to be. It’s just the next thing they do, to check baby is healthy 👍🏻
I've had two scans due to reduced movements. Mostly because my hospitals rules are you should have a scan for every two occasions of reduced movement. I go often due to anxiety and I'd rather be overly cautious. Both scans were fine and I've learnt to take a positive spin and think of it that I get an extra scan to see my beautiful baby. Offering you a scan does not necessarily mean they think something is wrong but is probably more the case of dotting the 'i's' and crossing the 't's'. If something was worrying, then you are in the right place, they would make a plan and your baby at 35 weeks would be fine. But that is worse-case scanario! If worrying before entering scan, you can always get checked again! They'd rather see you than you stay at home worrying!
@Hannah apparently the machine was happy with baby boy after 10 minutes, that’s the quickest i have ever known it hence why i asked for abit longer! x
ahhhh thank you soo so much! this has reassured me massively, i’ll keep you all updated 🥰
10 minutes is very quick I thought you get monitored for at least half an hour to an hour. I only went in for my first pregnancy but that’s how it was then I was there for a while. I got scanned after my second time going but because I was passed my due date anyway they induced me as they weren’t 100% happy with growth on scan. Baby was born perfectly healthy and a good weight xx
@Hayley i know that’s what i thought im glad i asked to be on it for abit longer. i am only 35 + 1 day so wouldn’t necessarily say im close to my due date but interested to see what happens at the scan xx
Where I live you get referred for a scan within 48hrs if you’ve been in for reduced movements more than once within 3 weeks. I had been in a second time just under 3 weeks so they sent me for a scan the next day. Everything was fine but baby was so low in my pelvis they couldn’t measure head and also back to back, that was about 2 weeks ago at 31 weeks. I hope everything goes well for you x
@Hannah sometimes the information they give you can be more confusing and worrying. My sister went for a growth scan because bump is small but baby is a good big weight like 90th centile and the sonographer told her to keep an eye on her movements. Naturally she went wild after that and ended up going up to get movements monitored and she got into her head about it. That was only last week and she was up for a while being monitored too probs an hour at least. I imagine they’ll compare your scan to your last one and see if their happy with growth etc xx
@Hannah, that is super weird, and I'm glad you asked to stay longer. When you get monitored, at least where I am, they track movements. You get a buzzer, and each time you feel bub move, you push it. They need a certain number of movements in about an hour, but check on you every 20 minutes or so. How is everything now?
I’ve only been in once for it, but I had just had a growth scan and met with consultant just before hand. Also passed with 10 minutes, consultant had said pattern may have changed, I’ve stopped feeling kicks now and just wriggles, so deffo feels like less. As I had the scan just beforehand I decided I was comfortable enough to leave having had all the scan checks, she was quite similar for a few days but has increased again now. But I’ve been in for bleeding before and went on the monitor and 10 minutes has been normal in my trust. They said either you pass within 10 minutes, if not it’s 60 minutes, if not get sent on a walk and then another 60 minutes, if not then would be admitted. I’ve had a mixture of 10/60/120minutes on it.
@Hannah i had the buzzer and i only pressed it 2/3 times so im good i asked for abit longer, baby must’ve been having a lazy day as he’s been fine ever since. i’ve just got back from my scan and everything is perfectly fine and no concerns what so ever. He’s weighing around 5 pound 14 ounces at the moment. Got my follow up clinic appointment tomorrow so we will see what gets said there, can’t see them saying much mind the sonographer seemed happy with baby boy x
@Hannah, oh, I'm so glad to hear that. They like to keep us on our toes even from the womb. Enjoy him snuggled in there as long as you can. Before you know it, he'll be hanging upside down off the couch, climbing the tall TV stand, doing headers off the dining table, and running naked around the living room. It's a wild ride 🤣🤣🤣
I had this with my first, had reduced movements and then a scan the next day, but I was only 28 weeks at the time so no mention of induction etc so I can't comment on that. I've been in once for reduced movements with this baby, but I already had a scan booked for the following week due to GD, baby met the criteria on the monitor and midwife checked with the consultant that they didn't want my scan bringing forward, which they didn't, so I just went for my normal scan a few days later anyway. Seems pretty standard for a scan to follow reduced movements from my experience x