Me too 2022 still bot potty trained
Me 🙋🏼‍♀️
Me! We tried it back in October, was an absolute fail so going to wait until the summer
No we haven't
Nope! My youngest even witnessed the journey with his older brother and there was absolutely zero interest. My eldest started when he was 3 mastered in a matter of weeks and has never had an accident and so ill likely do the same with his brother as it was a very stress free experience x
@Jodie this sounds perfect.
We haven’t started
Nope, she not showing signs & always says No Thank you if I ask her about using the potty. My husband has a week off at the end of January, we'll try then when he's around to help.
We tried in Oct and it was a fail. We are going to try again this weekend/week as we have very few plans in Jan and he seems like he may take to it better... we shall see. Just reading the Oh Crap Potty Training book which has really helped my mind haha
We haven’t started yet
Not tackled it yet but in the process xx
Nope we aren’t attempting it yet. He doesn’t like talking about or having nappy changed so we are going to wait until he’s ready x
Me too! Waiting for my Jan '22 babe to be ready!
We haven't started!