Reassurance needed
Hi all,
I’m hoping I can find some people here who might understand my current anxiety.
I had an early loss in June after starting to try for a baby in January last year.
I’ll be 9 weeks tomorrow and saw a heartbeat at 6weeks and 4 days.
I’ve got not ‘concerning’ symptoms etc. bleeding or cramping. I am however freaking about the inconsistency of my already sparse symptoms.
I’m more tired than usual and have sore breasts. I’ve had a bit of constipation too but no sickness at all. A few weeks things felt like they were starting to ‘progress’ but now I just feel like I’ve somehow stopped and I’m so scared of a MMC.
My scan is booked for the 17th and it feels like a lifetime away.
First of all congratulations on your pregnancy! As someone who has had a MMC, a Loss Mumma of a 33 week stillborn & now having a 10 week old now, I totally understand your anxieties. Mine did not go away for the entirety of my pregnancy following the loss of our son 3 years ago. Firstly, I had NO sickness at all during either of my pregnancies. Whilst sickness is the headline pregnancy symptom, you’d be surprised how many people don’t experience it. I was super tired in the early weeks & also had sore breasts on & off both times. You can book private early reassurance scans which really helped us & my anxiety. My last pregnancy we were scanned by the hospital every 2 weeks from 6 weeks due to our previous loss, so there maybe some extra scans your hospital can offer. Please be gentle with yourself, rest when you need rest. Pregnancy after any loss is hard. Ask for any help/support you need. x