@Anastasia okay so it’s not just us! This describes my situation to a tee. Sad for us both but glad to know it’s likely developmental and not something I’ve got wrong. I’m finding it hard to eat enough at the moment and I wondered if I was affecting my supply.
I've not had a text book baby at all. It's been a really rough time the last 8+ weeks. I was reading the other day that at around 8 weeks babies sleep regresses as our hormones are no longer in there body helping with sleep etc and they are now having to produce there own so having to learn the sleep cycles again. Can be a crazy time for them and us. I'm lucky if I can get an hours sleep at a time. Wish my little girl would sleep a little longer.
Exactly what’s happened with us My son is 7 weeks and for the past week Has been really unsettled and crying so much, waking every 2 hours And take me about 1 hour to get back to sleep Also has become a lot more clingy and always wants to be held Can’t put him down otherwise he screams his little head off It’s been a challenging week
@sal my girl is 11 weeks and I'm having the same with her being clingy the full day and night. Always wants to be in my arms the full day and so soon as I put her in bed trust me I can count 1...2....3 and she's up crying her little head off. Same thing at night I end up sleeping with her on my shoulder and me sitting up almost the entire night. She's been waking up from 3 hour feeds to 2 hour feeds now. It's been sleepless nights and crazy past few weeks.
In the throes of it currently! Though he wasn’t the textbook perfect baby (he was pretty damn close!) his sleep has regressed from 1-2 night wakes to 3-5, sometimes taking as long as an hour to settle🥴 He’s still a pretty happy chap if we get his wake/sleep windows correct during the day but really only surviving on contact naps to get by! Feeding is close to 2 hourly also.