is my lil man teething?

is this the start of teething? he’s only 11 weeks! i thought this stuff was a few months away 🤣 he’s been drooling a lot more and chewing his hands but i initially thought it was just part of the development until i saw these two little white bits! i can’t feel them yet so they’re still under the gum. FTM here, does anyone have any tips/advice? how long roughly does it take for them to break through? thank you.
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I better check my girls gums too as she's been the same... My HV said clove oil helps them with pain and is natural, other than that she said Ashton parsons powder but it serves mainly as a distraction

@Julia 🤣🤣 any teeths? and thank you, i’ll check these out xx

@Hannah i just read about clove oil, I don't know what my health visitor is on. Apparently not safe for children under 2, so don't use it! Xx

Bottom middle 2 look to be making an appearance! Unless it's the lighting of the picture. Get a clean glass and put it on his gums - if they're close to the surface you'll see them. I personally find anbesol liquid to be great (not sure what age it's safe from though so check). Also have used the A&P powders, they're helpful. Get a good tough rubber teether for baby to bite down on - helped break my little boys through when he was about 5 months. Other than that, it's just a waiting game! In terms of time, every baby is different. Sometimes it's a week, sometimes it's a month. My little boys first 4 teeth took about 2 weeks to break through. But the 4th & 5th are taking about a month, almost finally through thankfully!

@Tyla bottom two was the two i thought, isn’t the lightning! this is all amazingly helpful! thank you so much! i’ve never heard of this glass hack, i’ll try it. hope your boys teeth finish coming through soon!

Anbesol and calgel (I could only get this from Superdrug pharmacy!) were the only things that worked for my daughter

@Ceri-Ann thank you! ❤️

For my Tina, I put a moist burp cloth in the freezer for an hour and then give it to her to chew, and I also give her a dose of infant Tylenol as needed. I find each bout of teething only lasts half a week or so. Congrats on the new teeth, lil man!

Can definitely see those teeth!

@Monika helpful tip! i’m glad the actual painful stage doesn’t last too long! thank you so much x

My boy started teething at 7 weeks!! It's been tough. I use Anbesol oil on his gums and have bought him teething mits from Gummee x

@Joanne omg 7?! i honestly didn’t even know that they could start this early 🤣 and thank you! i’ll check these out x

Those are def baby teeth coming in. The white on the gums are teeth coming through. Also their gums will be super mushy.

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