Sorry off topic, please can someone explain why people collect their tests? I don’t have much info on this. I’m on my second baby and if the test is positive, I do another one the next day and if that’s positive then I just carry on. Is there a benefit of tracking this or is it just people’s curiosity?
@Heather ah that’s good to know I have a 14 month old and keep panicking twins which would be a blessing but scary!
@Irita it’s more for reassurance I have had a loss it kind of just makes me feel like I have something I can control even though logically I can’t control the outcome
The tests in the original pic are ovulation lh tracking to see when fertile
Ahh ok, thank you for explaining. That makes sense. I thought I was missing something and it’s something I should be doing as well cause I’ve seen it on this group.
not double peak. definitely pregnant! LH can pick up HCG too i heard. congratulations!! 🎉💞💞
It's could be just a high hcg in general I had a dye stealer at 12 dpo, I was spot on with my dates and had a single baby (now 19m) yet with my twinless twin my lines were pretty light at 12dpo. Good luck and congratulations