Potty training

I feel like I’m not doing well enough with potty training. He’s now 2 and a half and does occasionally use the potty but not often to get him out of nappys. I have it in the front room for him to see as we are downstairs a lot. I have a potty reward chart to encourage him to use it more but we haven’t got to the stage where he’s telling me he needs a wee. I ask him if he need to use it and he tells me no or just he doesn’t want to. I feel like we are behind and he should be trained now as he’ll be 3 in July. I also feel the shame people give me for him still been in nappys .
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It sounds like he's not ready and it's completely normal. When they are ready it becomes a much easier process.

I relate sooooo much to this post. I’ve seriously found potty training the hardest part of parenting to date! We have tried every method I can find. He just doesn’t want to go on the potty/toilet. He knows when he needs to go as he has said numerous times so we’ve rushed him to the potty and he’s done one, however if he is asked he always says no. Often ignoring him and sitting him on the potty anyway which will normally causes a tantrum. We’ve tried being naked and locked in the house for 4 days straight (my whole house was covered in pee!) still only a success rate of a couple of wees actually on the loo all weekend. We’ve tried sticker charts, bribery, presents, talking, reading potty stories on repeat nothing has worked! I’ve felt guilty for giving up but I literally don’t know how else to teach him/make him 🥴

Do not care what other people think and don’t put nappie on him. Let him do a wee in pants, after couple time he will know what to do 🙂

Today I have him in some underpants and hoping he’ll let me know if he needs a wee but if accident happen then they happen he’ll learn. Hopefully this get us somewhere x

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