PUL pregnancy

My last period was 27th November I am now pregnant but my HCG blood is showing I am 3 weeks (which is from the date of ovulation) midwives are saying my HCG should double in the next 48hours for it to be a viable pregnancy. I have had two miscarriages in 2024 and I am terrified this will lead in to another miscarriage. Anyone have anything similar which lead them in to having a viable pregnancy?
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Sorry you’re going through this. I understand the concerns. The funny thing is my last period ended then and it looks like I’m also pregnant with (the same ovulation date), and 2 MM in 2023/2024. That all sounds about right. It would be around three weeks. I am speaking to myself here too, but don’t let fear of the future rob you of today. You have the perfect seed doing its thing right now. Let it do its thing and enjoy the moments. I think we can only be kind to ourselves and trust the process. Stress and worry only causes more harm than good. I know easier said than done, but as a therapist told me, we see what we focus on. Look for the glimmers in today.

Sorry to hear this! I’m in a similar situation went for a scan this morning at the EPU and they couldn’t see much even though I should be 5+2 but the HCG and progesterone levels don’t seem quite high enough but also not low enough to indicate that I might have miscarried. They recommended another blood test on Monday to compare and see from there. I’m very worried of a potential ectopic pregnancy but there is no way to know until further bloods. Also had a miscarriage this year just before the 12w scan. I hope you get a good outcome 🤞

My last period was the week of November 16th. I should be 7 weeks but today I went to the ER for period like bleeding they said it's either a super early pregnancy or the start of early miscarriage.

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