Stopping bottles

My little one is now 1 and I’m wondering how you go about stopping the bottles. Like she LOVES her morning bottle so can’t imagine stopping that yet, do I just replace them with breakfast and hope she has enough? Struggling with all this transitioning and what we’re supposed to being doing. Any help is appreciated.
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I was the same because my health visitor was an arsehole and told me she shouldn’t be having as many bottles as I was giving her on top of food. I do what feels right for her and ultimately us. She has her breakfast usually something with cows milk like weetabix or porridge. She has water throughout the entire day regardless. Lunch time she has easy food like 1+ food that you can microwave then if she still looks like she’s hungry or even sleepy I’ll give her cows milks and settle her. Dinner time she has a home cooked meal and always a bottle before bed because id like to sleep. Do what’s right for you and your little. When she gets the hang over breakfast time she won’t need that morning bottle but she’ll tell you she don’t want/need it. However if she still needs/wants it again do what’s right for you

The hardest ones are the morning bottle and the night bottle. If you can try to switch them to a straw cup or a munchkin 360. The sooner the better (Especially since they can't talk back yet, lol) My son is 2 and refuses to drink milk from anything other than his "large bottle". He pitched a fit two nights ago when all his bottles were the dishwasher. Ended up going to bed without having milk. It would be OK if we didn't give his vitamins in his milk. Try to cut back on the number first (morning, nap and bed time only). Too much milk can lead to iron deficiency as calcium inhibits iron uptake.

We transitioned to cows milk first at 12 months - and I would give it cold straight from the fridge so it wasn’t a comfort drink. Then we didn’t switch to a cup until around 15 months - by that time he’d dropped his morning bottle anyway and was happy drinking his milk from a cup at bedtime. You don’t have to do everything at once, do what suits you and your family ❤️

14 months - we've stopped warming them and are mixing cow's milk with formula (partly because we still have formula left, partly because she won't take cow's milk straight yet), and she isn't particularly fussed about it. She'll take the bottle but only have a few sips and that's it. Sometimes I give it in a munchkin 360 but she pitched a fit the other morning because she thought it was water, took her 20 minutes to realize it was milk and then she drank most of it. You could try replacing the morning bottle with a smoothie - it's a quick shot of milk and fruit in the morning, and you can sneak in lots of healthy options like spinach, or extra protein with yogurt and nut butters. we replaced the midday bottles with smoothies, she has one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and it works well. My plan, once we drop to one nap a day, is to do a smoothie first thing in the morning and then a "bigger" breakfast later on.

Just do what you feels right for your girl there’s no right or wrong. If she wants a bottle in the morning give it to her, it will eventually fade out. But I mean like cows milk. I would stop formula as food should really be main source now x

@Ellie what vitamins are you giving your lo?

@Dianna a multi vitamin my MIL brings from the Philippines (on my husband's request) and omega 3

(14 months old) We do cows milk on the munchkin 360 cup as a drink alongside breakfast (cold) And then a warm bottle of cows milk before bed. My oldest had a warm bottle of cows milk before bed up until she was just over 3 years old so I’m not bothered about the night time bottle lol.

My son actually weaned himself off of formula and a bottle right before he turned one. He really loves food though. I nurse him to sleep and naps.

We started with dissociating waking up with bottle by changing his diaper first and bringing him downstairs to play a bit before giving him his bottle, then changed the bottle to a straw cup, then had him have the milk at his high chair with breakfast.

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