@Georgia that’s good to know that I’m not alone and that it could just take time to come naturally on the potty. One thing to add is that sometimes she’ll ask to go to the toilet or potty when she needs a poo and she ends up having a little fart and then being like all done. So it’s liek she knows her body but just won’t give into it Oh no that no good she becomes constipated if she holds it at nursery hopefully she learns that it’s ok to go on the potty soon for you to help with this 🧡
We have the same with a fart, she says she needs to then does a fart then says all finish mummy 🙈 x
If you want to encourage her to poo when on the potty ask her to blow bubbles/blow out a candle. The action of doing that makes them push down to go. Could maybe try getting her to sit on at the time she'd usually poo. Distract with books or something.
@Natalie we’ve tried the bubbles but doesn’t seem to work. Will try though sitting her on toilet/potty when I know she’s getting ready for a poop to encourage the association
They think that when they poo on the toilet/potty it feels like something is coming away from them which is why they go in their nappy/pants/knickers because it feels different. I work in childcare and this one of the most common things when they have started potty training because of the fear of somthing coming away. Once they have done a poop on the toilet its the biggest celebration as they get over that fear and know everything is actually ok 😊 Just lost of encouragment/make it fun she will get there eventually and it will most likely happen when she is doing a wee, she may be scared 1st but with lots of praise and celebration she will be ok. Good luck 😊
I have no advice but wanted to say you’re not alone! My little girl is exactly the same never ever has a wee accident but has only done a couple of poo’s. It one point she became constipated with it. After talking to my friends with children exactly a year older said it’s very normal and some of their little ones took over 6 months to poo on the potty! I’m not concerned if she does it in her morning nappy but it’s when she holds it at nursery then we get into a constipated cycle! Xx