@Jade when did you get told your placenta position because I ain’t been told mine yet
15/16 weeks for me but also second pregnancy ☺️
Im nearly 19weeks. I feel movement but not loads and have done since 14weeks. With my first i was 16weeks and 2nd 14weeks. this time my placenta is at the front so dont feel movement as much. As long as your feeling movements then all ia fine, but speak to midwife if your concerned x
I can confidently say i can feel baby move now I think I have been able to from about 14 weeks I’m now 18 and I’ve still got the same feeling that I had at 14 weeks but stronger I have a posteria placenta , I was given a A4 piece of paper at my 12 week scan with all the details on from the scan and it said on their where my placenta was x
I’m 17 weeks & second pregnancy & not felt baby move yet. I didn’t until around 24 weeks with my first though
I am 18+3, this is my first pregnancy and I started feeling bubbles and twitches between 16 and 17 weeks. Very slight! I probably wouldn’t have known it was quickening if I hadn’t researched it 😆
I was told at my 12 week ultrasound. You can maybe ask at your next one.
I definitely wouldn’t worry. 14 weeks is still sooo early. I’m surprised you felt them at 12/13 weeks last time! A lot depends on this. Placenta location, how active the baby is, etc. With my first, I had an anterior placenta and started feeling him around 20 weeks. Now on my second pregnancy, 14 weeks 5 days like you, and I’ve felt little flutters here and there but nothing at all obvious. Don’t be worried, give it some more time. ♥️
I’m 15 weeks and don’t feel anything yet, and I’m super in tune with my body. The position of your placenta can also determine when you’ll start feeling movement- I have an anterior placenta, meaning it’s on the front wall of my uterus, so I will likely take longer to feel movement from the baby. I’m expecting to not feel much until 20-25 weeks.