Do you have a like portable toilet seat for him? Or maybe get a toilet for the car
@Martha : he is behind with speech, so I honestly don’t know. He just screams and says no. I think it’s just cause it’s different. (He uses our toilet at home standing up)
@Gabrielle : he uses our toilet at home. However, may have to look into a toilet for the car.
From my own experience, my daughters don’t like how loud it is in public restrooms and also the automatic flushing scares them. So in general if a family bathroom is available I’ll use that to reduce the noise of other people flushing/hand dryers. I also carry post-it notes with me to cover the sensor when it’s an automatic flushing toilet.
My son refused public toilets when he was just beginning and I think it’s because it was the flushing and hand dryer we’re so loud. We brought a fold up seat to make it fit right and stickers to cover the sensor if it was automatic. We also had a portable one the “my carry potty” in the car just in case he wasn’t wanting to go in a public one. I feel like the more confident he got the less he cared where he was going.
Update: My son will now pee in a public toilet standing up. We lift him up and he’ll go. Guess it just took a few times. Thanks everyone!
Now pooping in a public toilet is a different story but completely understandable lol
When you taught him of pee did you teach sitting or standing?
How does he use the toilet at home? Does he not fall through the toilet seat is it too big?
We started off sitting. But he watched his dad and preferred standing.
At home we have the kid toilet seat you place on top of the toilet (it fits their size).
Oh okay awesome
Is he afraid of how big it is? Or the automatic flushing?