Also in the same boat! Can do straws but won’t tip a sippy cup up. I still hold him in the rocking chair for a bottle before bed, he holds that himself but because he’s in the laying position in my arms, he doesn’t have to tip it… which has caused us problems with him learning how to tip a sippy cup when he’s not in my lap. I am due with my second in march and i refuse to give up the nightly bottle with him because i only have a few more months of it just being us, but he will have to learn once baby 2 is here 🫠🤪
Good to know it's not just us... makes me feel like a failure even though I know it makes no sense. I know she needs to transition from the bottle which has me somewhat in a panic. Are you guys doing anything to help or just relying on straw cups?
@Kelly we are now trying to minimize the bottle to only the am and at bedtime
We only do the bottle before nap time. My thought is as she gets older she'll have more patience and understanding. They see us do it all the time. At some point they have to figure it out. Right!? Ha.
We are in the same boat.