I would recommend checking in on diet, removing environmental toxins, and checking in on your hormonal levels with a reproductive endocrinologist. All of these are appropriate methods sanctioned by the church from at least the feminine side of reproductive health. I know this may not be comforting or what you want to hear, but i am lifting you up in prayer. I have good friends who are struggling to conceive and deeply desire motherhood. Please continue to pray and discern with your spouse how you are continued to be called to motherhood or fatherhood, whether biological, adoptive, foster, or only in the spiritual sense. God will use your gift of femininity for his glory even if it's not the way you may want (believe me I struggle with God DAILY about all the ways i wish he would do things my way). May Mary wrap you in her mantle of love and protection ❤️
In short, yes. There are some exceptions and artificial means to help achieve pregnancy that are licit depending on what the issue is. However, NaPro providers can help work with you and your partner to assess and treat infertility. I found them more helpful than reproductive endocrinologists in finding the root issues and treating them.
Yes, the Catholic Church is "against" artifical methods of procreation. As outlined in the "Donum Vitae" (The Gift of Life) 1987, Any form of procreation that involves separating conception from the marital act is morally impermissible. If this question is on behalf of you or a loved one I very strongly encourage you or them to explore all natural pathways of conception while being respectful of the marital act. https://chatgpt.com/share/677b39a2-a420-8012-9c61-0837f110c579
@Audrey thanks for citing Donum Vitae. The diocese of Lansing (in michigan) also has a really good breakdown
Not to be harsh or come off as insensitive of course 💕 The struggle is real and all in His good time. @Jayna you spoke beautifully about exploring things from the feminine side and discerning And OP, always remember that the secular world wants you to spend time, energy, money, etc on artificial means of reproduction because it benefits them in the short and long run. You are just a number to them, but to God you are so much more.
When in doubt check Catholicanswers.com! Lol
https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/reproductive-technology/begotten-not-made-a-catholic-view-of-reproductive-technology This is from the united state catholic conference of Bishops, citing why IVF and other reproductive technologies are contrary to church teaching, the sanctity of sex, and the culture of life. Specifically, IUI is illicit because it separates the unitive element of sex from the procreative element of sex. Your partner is not physically present and unified with you when sperm is injected into the uterus. I'm assuming you are asking this question as you or someone you know is struggling to conceive. This is a very hard cross to bear and surrender. It's hard to rest in the fact that children are gifted to us and not owed to us as some of the dominant culture would suggest.