@Becky he drinks the entire bottle and cries after I take it away😭 it’s 4oz. He’s 8weeks old. Sometimes he will drink 4.5-5oz and he will still cry.
My daughter used to do this until I upped her feeding.
@Sophia if he drinks the entire bottle and cries afterwards I'd say he wants more I would up ot to 6oz and see how he goes x
Drinks too fast. Needs to burp
@Shore we burp every 2oz ( he cries when we take bottle away) as soon as he gets the bottle back in his mouth he’s happy lol
@Becky we haven’t upped the nipple flow because he honestly chugs it, but I’m scared to give him 5.5-6oz he takes it all then end up vomiting it up bc he is too full😬I just don’t know what’s best
They recommended if baby is regularly draining bottles to offer another oz and see how they get on. Also try pace feeding so he doesn't guzzle down and take in extra air x
@Naomi I’ll try this thank you! What exactly is pace feeding?
@Sophia try not to be scared, I know it's hard deciding what to do for best and we constantly question if what we are doing is correct, but you'll be fine I would give him an extra oz or 2 and see how he goes, my baby is 2.5 weeks old and drink 4oz every 3 hours whereas my first child would only drink around 2oz at this age x
@Sophia also I would suggest that if the baby isn't showing any signs of discomfort while feeding, just do a good burp after he's drank his bottle instead of taking it away every 2oz to burp him
@Sophia the basic of pace feeding is holding the bottle more horizontal so the teat is only partially full so the flow is more controlled by the baby. Also let them take natural pauses on the bottle. I found it to help with my youngest as she was a guzzler and had awful reflux xx
@Naomi omg I didn’t even know I was already doing this😭😂. The nurses taught me this in the nicu and we’ve been doing it ever since. Maybe it’s time to up him an oz 🙊
@Sophia If you're already doing this then I would definitely try another oz. My eldest was a hungry baby and she was on 6 oz at 8 weeks x
When my daughter was that age and even now with milk I give her 1-2 ounces more just Incase. I think at that age we did 6oz on the regular
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I always made bottles based on how much they wanted. If they were draining the bottle I upped it 2 oz. I wanted every bottle to have about .5-1 oz left when they were done
How many oz are you giving him and is he draining the bottle?