C section or induction - if you've had both, which was better?

I had a horrible induction for my first which was extremely painful and ended up in theatre having episiotomy and foreceps. Very traumatic. My question is, for baby 2 would it be a nicer overall experience to have an elective c section or risk another awful induction? Just wondering as to your experiences which you found better. I know recovering is longer with a section but the delivery is obviously easier ... Mine was over 24 hours labour first time too and SO painful with the artificial contractions. Thanks for opinions
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I had a 2nd c-section this time after a failed induction turned into an emergency c-section. Obviously an elective c-section is much better to prepare mentally than an induction. I don’t think I can do another emergency one without a mental breakdown.

Iv had an emergency c section and given the circumstances as my little one was 2 months early I honestly had the nicest calmest experience. Don’t get me wrong the pain and uncomfortable feeling was bad, and my LO was in neonatal so even though I wasn’t initially doing night feeds as such and expressing and slept longer I felt so stiff on a morning and I found if I got moving first thing in a morning it helped my recovery and to be able to be mobile throughout the day

I went through the whole process of an induction and ended up with a c section. I would choose c section over induction any day! Was so nice and calm. I was up and walking as soon as catheter was out and back to normal in about 3 weeks doing everything (cleaning, driving, washing)

I had a really positive induction experience despite having an episiotomy and needing a bit of assistance to get him out. I'd opt for this again over C-section as most people I know that have had one, really struggled with the recovery. I'm due baby number 2 in March and honestly hoping to go into labour naturally as last time I was high risk, hence the induction

I’ve had both a cesarean and a VBAC which resulted in episiotomy and forceps after an induction. Both were traumatic and brutal to heal from but I’d pick the episiotomy again. Saying that mine was a cat 1 emergency cesarean which I was put to sleep for so I would never want to experience that or the healing again, whereas a planned cesarean will be so much different and calm. From what I’ve read most women who have planned cesareans find them really calm and healing! X

Induction which ended up in emergency section. Will be opting for an elective section this time round. Of all of my friends/family who had babies in the past two years, every single induction we had between us ended in emergency section.

I had two failed inductions and opted for a c section in the end because I was tired and in a lot of pain, only dilated 1cm. The c section was the most calm and controlled experience and honestly so beautiful. I had a gentle c section. If you cannot experience that then ask for that x

3 c sections and 1 induction which results in c section and the elective c section was amazing. I love c sections lol x

Some hospitals also do “gentle c-sections” 😊 https://csectionuk.com/blog/what-are-gentle-c-sections

Thank you so much guys 🙏

I had a very bad induction experience with my second all down to midwife’s stressing my body and my baby when he just wasn’t ready to be born, it was very traumatic so for my third I opted for a home water birth and gave birth naturally completely hands off birth, no sweeps, no monitoring how dilated I was or breaking my waters and it was the best birth experience I’ve ever had with no tearing too, he was 41 +3 with zero trauma and complications and he is also my healthiest strongest baby, he was born stress free and in his own time. I definitely believe that hospitals put unnecessary stress on mothers and their babies and this can result in traumatic births. Being in my own zone in my own home definitely changed things for me. I understand some women can have complications and need the hospital but if it is an option to have a home birth I’d look into it as an option. It annoys me that they are perceived as dangerous or risky when studies show less complications. Research is key 💯

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