Is he showing any signs of being ready?
Check out BigLittleFeelings Potty Learning course! Step by step guide and a 3 day method. Potty training doesn't have to be a daunting task
I took my daughter’s clothes and diaper off for 3 days when she was 18 months. Bought a little toddler potty (came in pack of 2) and put 1 in the living room and one in bathroom. Everytime she showed any signs of needing to potty or she started to go, I rushed her onto it and did the sign language for potty and said that word several times. Took her 2-3 days to catch on. Then moved on to wearing bc underwear. Took her 1-2 days to get used to it and realize she doesn’t like peeing in them. Now she doesn’t pee in her pull-ups even if she wears them outside. It’s not as scary as it seems. They’re fast learners
I am about to start it too and I feel a little overwhelmed! I just got a little toilet to start introducing it to my daughter. One thing I have heard to do it try and keep it fun! That’s what I’m gonna try and do. There are a ton of potty songs and videos on YouTube. Your gone do great just give yourself grace!
No tips just cheering you on! Good job momma! I think the thing I needed to hear around this time was “you are the expert on your kid. So don’t worry when you need to follow your instincts “.
I am in the thick of it right now. You really have to mentally prepare because it’s draining lol we’re on day 3 and he’s getting the hang of it . Be ready for TONS of accidents, have cleaning supplies at hand. And as soon as you see a cue that they have to go, stay close so you’re ready to help catch it. You got this!
Thanks every for the advice & cheering me on! 🫶🏾 I've been prepping him saying no more diapers & I bought pulls ups, training underwear (which I feel like I should've bought regular undies), a potty & he just used his last diaper. I think he's pretty ready in general. He has peed on the toilet a few times. When I start to get him dressed in the morning & change his diaper if I notice he didn't pee in his diaper I take him to the bathroom & he pees but that's only been maybe 3 times. He hasn't pooped on the toilet yet though.
@Kaili Be consistent with using the potty. Praise success, don't make a big deal of accidents, and don't go back to diapers. For most kids, pooping on the potty takes longer to learn than peeing
Be cool. Don't pressure. Have zero expectations. Give him a heads up a week in advance so he knows it's coming.Remind him everyday, in 6 days we're going to get rid of diapers, tomorrow is the day! No more diapers! Celebrate every single positive step with massive praise. Do special treats or toys if that suits you. Don't shame or express disappointment/frustration. Again, release those expectations. There will be accidents, a lot of them for an unknown amount of time. Research a method in that week you're preparing him, you need to be prepared yourself.