My daughter was doing well and very interested in using the potty but then we had to switch schools and she’s regressed back to not even wanting to sit on the potty 😭 I’ve read that changes can cause regression but if sucks
*it sucks
I feel so discouraged. I was wondering if it has to do with him seeing my change my younger son. But idk.
I'm in the same boat. My son is 3 1/2 and potty training and then I'm also potty training my 2 1/2 daughter at the same time. We were doing well just before Christmas. On Christmas Day they both went to the bathroom at family's house on the big potty! I was so proud but then we've come home and they have both regressed some. My son knows what we're asking him to do but refuses to go. I've now set a timer for every 20 min to try to get him to go. My daughter tells me when she has to go and goes by herself. She's much easier than he is. But we're still working on overnights and nap time with her. Try the timer with him and see if that helps. Also put the potty in the living room or wherever you guys hang out the most during the day. I know it can be done I'm just as frustrated but just keep trying! ❤️