My little girl has cows milk in her bottle still for morning and bedtime and then thru out the day she has water in a sippy cup. I tend to wait and hour after morning bottle to give her breakfast which I usually give wetabix and pancakes. I offer her sippy cup then thru day and she don’t snack too much between meals usually after evening meal if still hungry
@Mary at the moment he has his morning bottle (still formula) then has breakfast about an hour and a half later, probably the only meal he eats a decent amount - porridge or weetabix and a banana. Then is all goes wrong as when he wakes up from morning nap he still wants his late morning bottle, doesn’t eat enough for lunch, still wants a bottle when he wakes from afternoon nap but this is the one I’ve focused on reducing so it’s now a tiny bottle but then with a snack because he’s hungry! And then he doesn’t eat enough for dinner. And is starving for his bedtime bottles. I’ve just no idea what I’m doing.
Yeah I think after morning nap you maybe need to offer water or like you said give way less milk so he’s hungry enough for his dinner. I had to start off with water in her bottle first and she wouldn’t take a sippy cup then gradually changed it over. I think he would probably be hungry enough then for his meals with way less milk and eventually none at all.
I think a bottle and snack to him is like his lunch so he wouldn’t be hungry enough for his actual lunch
@Mary in the long term am I aiming for that bottle to be completely dropped and replaced with a snack? Or is he supposed to go from breakfast til lunch with nothing in between?
All baby’s are different and other mums may say different but my daughter goes from breakfast to lunch with no snack it’s usually evening she snacks more. For luck she usually had sandwiches and fruit yoghurt and her rice cakes so she fills her self up for evening meal then
If I’m out and evening meal Is slightly later then she will have a snack to tie her over to evening meal
I breastfeed and so far I've managed to start just feeding in the morning, after lunch - before nap and then at night. My little one isn't a big fan of eating solids either so we're not doing fantastic with that. After her nap I offer her biscuits with cow's milk... which she spreads around her tray and makes art out of, no idea how to get her to have cow's milk cause she doesn't seem like she hates it and she's getting less breastmilk because it's "been replaced", but still she's not interested in actually drinking the milk
I was told when stopping breastfeeding at 1 year, they need up to 400ml of milk (cows milk) plus another 100ml within solids (eg milk in scrambled egg, yoghurt, cheese, other dairy products). We tend to give solid food whenever LO seems hungry, then wait a bit and if she still seems hungry we will give her a bottle. We’ve tried moving milk into sippy/straw cups but she’s not there yet… In terms of reducing the milk, we kept to the same number of bottles but reduced the amount of milk - she was having 120mls and now she’s on about 70mls per bottle. She’s never quite satisfied right at the end of a bottle but after a couple of minutes she’s happily playing or toddling around, so she clearly doesn’t need such big bottles! Snack ideas - yoghurt with crushed berries/fruit, bananas (maybe with nut butter), bread and peanut butter or avocado spread, crudités and hummus. I’ve found Pinterest quite helpful for ideas, as we’re trying really hard to keep away from ultra-processed foods.