Rant about Family
I have a 16 month old and currently 38weeks pregnant. Does anyone else feel like they have zero village or support around them?
I have my parents and two siblings who are married and have kids, but I’m always the one who reaches out to them or tries to make plans with them. No one ever rings or texts to check up on us. Finding it really frustrating recently as I am always the one to check up on their family and make the effort to see them, but they don’t do the same with my child. Especially now I’m ready to pop (hopefully soon) and it would be so nice to have a helping hand.
More of a rant because I’m feeling super lonely and let down. Just annoying too that I’m a bit house bound with being so pregnant and no one has thought to check in.
Yeah I find people don't reach out because they're busy with their own lives and I feel like I'm the one reaching out to them to meet up and organise things. (Not necessarily family, more friends tbh) I've stopped expecting people to "check up" anymore tbh, I've lowered my expectations