I’ve started slowly introducing it too. My LG gone for a wee before her bath since around 10 months and now I encourage her to go for a wee every nappy change. She knows what to do when I say wee wee. My next step is to have the potty out all the time to see if she chooses to go. No idea if I’m doing it right but I definitely thing exposure is good!
Ye that’s what we’ve done we’ve bought two potties and leave them in the bedroom and living room so she can walk over on her own. Sometimes you get a little dribble down side of potty but it’s easy enough to clean :)
I have and it’s going really well. Take a look at the insta ‘go diaper free’. We’ve introduced baby to potty for some ‘easy catches’ since she was 6 months old so transitioning into potty training so far has been fairly chilled. She still goes in her nappy when it’s on (we’ve switched to pull ups) but when she has a naked bum she does mostly walk over to it and go in the potty. I think they feel independent doing it.