Don't give up. Was about to say the same as Emily. Even the fact he's sat on it a few times is a good sign, and it will hopefully start to make sense to him. Good luck 🤞🏼
Are you doing naked time or with undies or how are you doing it
@Emily I love how you put this! Thank you needed that reminder!
@Jill thank you! Hopefully tomorrow will be abetter day!
@Gabrielle with undies. What did you find worked best for you?
We use undies and no pants. We also have a tiny toilet for him to use that’s fun. We also asked him very often.
Mine loves the attachment to the loo so he can sit like a big boy, and flushing the loo too lol
My son had God knows how many accidents for a while especially if he was playing. I found no pants at first worked best and telling him he needs to go to the potty before we do X. A smartie or something when he went as well. Once we committed we just powered on through. Wees were fine after a week two although still the odd accident if he is too busy doing something else. Poos are a working progress 😂
Its normal, but you also need to see signs of them recognising they are peeing. Some recognition from them would show progress. The journey of potty-training is taking your child from the “I have no clue I just peed/pooped” to “I peed/pooped” to “I’m peeing/pooping” to “I need to pee/poop” realization. 4 days would be a sure cut off if no signs of improvement