How many oz/ml does your baby take??

My baby is 8m old has significantly dropped how much she’ll take and is now only drinking up to 3oz x3 a day (9oz total) whereas 3 weeks ago she was having 5oz x4 a day
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My baby is younger than yours around 7 months and is taking on avg 5oz x 4 times a day. Similar to what your baby did around the same time. I think it’s normal for them to take less milk if you’ve increased the amount / variety of solids. I think it strongly depends on what other food yoir baby is getting. I have not seen anywhere a good guide on the volume babies should be taking. Every time I read something on this, it basically says to follow baby’s lead, which kind of makes sense.

My LG is also 8m and has gone from having 4 9oz bottles to 2- 3 and she doesn’t finish them xx

Thanks both, it just concerns me in case she’s going off my milk, I’m making so much compared to what she needs and freezer is full to the brim but don’t want to decrease my pumps yet in case she decides she wants more xx

Is she drinking at night at all? I’d only 9 oz a day total?

@Ryann no bottles at night, rarely sometimes wakes up but will have like 2oz and drop back off

@Laura I would be a little concerned then as 9 oz is not enough even with solids. The recommended amount in the US (not sure about UK) is 24-30 oz at 8 months. is she still having enough wet diapers? Either way I’d definitely reach out to someone to have a check up and make sure it’s all good.

@Ryann I’ve messaged my health visitor about it so hopefully she’ll reply tomorrow. Her nappies seem normal but obviously dropping the amount she has doesn’t seem right xx

@Ryann is there a link you can possibly share please to view the recommended volume by month (in the US)? I’ve been trying to find something concrete but haven’t come across a good guide in the UK

@Laura I hope so too! I know it’s so hard not to worry. My son started taking less after getting sick but has some other medical issues too.

@Ryann the thing is she’s happily eating food. She has been teething like mad, 4 teeth have come through in the space of 3/4 weeks xx

Just wanted to update this post - the health visitor didn’t seem worried as she’s still eating like normal however, it must have been teething or she was under the weather as she’s had 15oz today and been demanding her bottles like she was previously xx

@Laura ah I just saw this- teething will definitely do it :( glad she’s feeling better today!!

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