I used one after birth of my son and it was a lifesaver. I'd definitely pack one if you've got it
I have a question regarding this - how do we clean them at the hospital? I heard it ready helps because apparently after birth it burns when using the toilet 😞
Amazon is so fast nowadays I was going to risk it and only buy one if I needed it on next day delivery. You could end up with an unexpected C-section, anything can happen, so I'm hoping to risk it and wait and see.
I'm just out at the shops & Boots have one but it's £12.50. But part of me is like just get it so I'm prepared
Ordered the Lanishoh one off amazon this afternoon at £7.99 😂 I’d never even heard of them last time but thought it can’t hurt to try. Expert midwife Spirtz for your bitz however is absolutely top of my postpartum list.
@Lynsey I ordered this one too!
Last time I had a jug next to the loo (at home) which I filled with warm water and just poured over myself when I went (episiotomy). Upgraded to a peri bottle for this one but jug was also fine imo
Yes! I had a second degree tearing with my first and oh my God the pain if I didn't use it.
I knew people just to use a jug of warm water and that’s what the midwife also advised me with my first when I got stitches. I honestly didn’t need it though I never used any of the sprays or anything and I wouldn’t say I ever felt the need to. Personally I think a lot of this stuff is all marketing and people use it without actually testing if they need it therefore they all say it works lol xx
I had a second degree tear and honestly this has been a life saver. It just makes the whole toilet experience more comfortable. If you get wee on a wound, it buuurrnnss so obviously this helps massively with that.
@GABRIELA why would you need to clean it? If you use it right, it shouldn’t touch anything so therefore only needs topping up with fresh water and that’s it
@Jess ok i need to do some research on how to use it properly then😅
Just use it like a water gun! It was a god send for me after I had to be cut! Then just dab dry so no wiping required, I was so scared of catching g a stitch when wiping, if you can order one online there really cheap xx
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I had an episiotomy with my first and the only thing that felt sort of ok was gentle wiping with water wipes I had brought for baby 😅. I did shower with just water once or twice a day too to gently cleanse the area
Peri bottle honestly saved me after my second degree tear last time defo using it again x
I didn’t have one for my first birth, labial tear and didn’t hurt to wee at all strangely. But I’ve got one this time just to use it so I can rinse/clean regularly. The bleeding after birth isn’t a nice smell and I remember feeling really embarrassed of this when the midwife checked my stitches.
I got one but didn’t even need it. Whatever the midwife did for me (she said she was holding my perinium) but it worked a treat I didn’t even graze! I remember with my son in my first pregnancy I was cut and oh my gosh the next few weeks when using the toilet 😩 peri bottles weren’t a thing then either! X