Calpol and teething

How often are we giving this? Would once a day at bedtime (she’s fine in the day) for 7 days be ok? We have tried bonjela, teething granules , anbesol nothing works for more than a hour or so…
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Tbh I think nurofen works so much better calpol

So I wondered this and apparently it shouldn't be given for more than 3 days as it can cause liver and kidney damage.. but i don't know if that means full doses (ie every 4-6 hours) for 3 days

@Chloe no this isn’t true it only shouldn’t be given more than 3 days in a a row if your using it for something other than teething because you could be masking symptoms for a bigger problem. As long as you know the problem is definitely teething you can give it for more than 3 days however I don’t know what the limit of days is. I’ve had this ok’d by 2 different doctors.

The calpol website says to not give it for more than 3 days in a row without consulting your doctor/pharmacist. And further online searches suggest the reasoning is due to the potential damage to liver/kidneys it can cause.

I just give it to my little boy whenever he needs it. You can give it to them every 4 hours if they need it.

If it’s only once at bedtime personally I wouldn’t worry about it

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