Low laying Placenta

Hey all! I am 20+5 and had my 20 week scan a couple of days ago. In the appointment, she had to do an internal exam due to a low lying placenta so have to go back in 32 weeks. I have probably done the worst thing and gone straight on Google but has anyone had the same and what happened at 32 weeks? I’m absolutely a realist so please don’t be scared if it’s not the best story just like to be a bit more prepped in my brain for some possibilities! Thanks 💖
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I had at both of my babies and by 32 weeks it had moved up 🤗 but was told if it didn't I'd have a c section. Also fyi if you're planning on a holiday they say you're not fit to fly with LLP x

I’m the exact same had my 20 week scan and was told the same ! Next scan is at 30 weeks to check but I’ve heard a lot of postive stories of it moving than the negative so holding out hope that it’ll all work itself out as I really don’t want a c-section :/ just would love to atleast try a natural birth xx

Yep same here. It's very rare for it to not move up though so try not to panic 😊

I had the same and by my scan at 32 weeks, it had moved up. I did the same as you and googled it, convinced myself that I’d have to have a c section and was really worried but it was fine in the end!

Mine was high at 20 weeks then low at 23 weeks (had due to an incomplete scan at 20 weeks because baby woudntt move habds away from face) when my baby had turned. Went back at 32 weeks and my placenta was high

Hey this popped up on my FYP. I’m a December 2023 mum and I had my 20 week scan at 18 weeks and my placenta was low lying. I knew in my heart of hearts that it wasn’t going to move & began mentally preparing for a c-section. Everyone told me all the stories of everyone they knew who had their placenta move. Mine didn’t! It was actually grade 4 which counts as placenta praevia. But I am definitely the minority. Had my c section at 38 weeks and my recovery was absolutely fine. I did really want a vaginal labour, but I think it helped that I became at peace with it, so I was okay with whatever happened. I also think how incredibly lucky we are with modern medicine. If it wasn’t picked up and I had gone into spontaneous labour, there’s a very real chance I wouldn’t be here with my baby boy x

I had my 20 week scan last week and was also told I have a low lying placenta. I have also been booked in for a scan at 32 weeks.

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