@Petrice thank you, I will I will call GP in the mornings cause it’s making me SO miserable
I hope they can help you. It’s definitely worth getting some help with it.
Contact the gp they can prescribe, i asked the midwife and she said i needed to speak to the Gp x
@Jade thank you! X
I would definitely contact your GP. They prescribed me Cyclizine. You can take this up to 3 times a day but I’ve only needed to take it in the morning. I set an alarm for a couple of hours before I need to be up. I haven’t seemed to feel as sick in the mornings. Hope you start to feel better 🤞🏻 x
@Rhianna cyclizine is amazing i second this
Oh that sounds awful! If it’s that unmanageable I’d contact the midwife asap for advice and contact your GP if you need something prescribed.