I don’t have any tips, but we have the same issue! Following along in case anyone has any ideas
I have 3 and 2 year old boys. The 3 year old finally caught on and is doing it on his own. The 2 year old is still the same as yours. We just keep talking about it and have him repeat and say..."pee-pee (or poop) is coming." Sometimes he says it after he already went, but he is learning. I still keep him in underwear even though he has accidents, lots of laundry but it truly does just kick in when ready.
@Madison @Logan sorry you guys are going through the same experience. It’s so frustrating. I have no idea what to do. I’m worried if we send him to daycare, they’ll want him potty trained.
One thing that really worked for us was a reward chart
A T-shirt that’s yours put him in it no pamper then when he has to pee or poo he has to let you know
I do it with my 3 year old son he only wears pampers for nap time or sleep time in the day he’s in a big t shirt and he lets me know every time he has to lee or poo
I wish I did, my daughter is the same way. Everyone keeps telling me to give her time and she’ll do it when she’s ready. It’s killing me though 😭🤣