I've been overthinking this soooo much recently 😂 I asked my sister in law who's a postnatal nurse and she said to use her normal bottles for the moment to get her used to cows milk & then slowly transition to a sippy cup for milk. Our little girl likes cows milk warm so I hit it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds ans then give is a shake to get rid of any hot spots. If you use their normal bottles, you don't need to sterilise them anymore 🙌🏻
You're meant to transition away from those bottles as the teats can cause issues with tooth development the same way dummies do. However it doesn't have to be sudden, just transition. Mine just use the same straw bottle as his day time water. I do heat the milk slightly, but some babies like it cold so that just depends on your LO. Cows milk during Infancy, it's really good source of calcium and vitamin D in babies and children. If you remember they give it at break times at school too! Mine absolutely refuses morning so he has it before bed. Has it in cereal though and loves yoghurt and cheese so still getting the benefits, also has his multivitamins. I think nursery said they give it twice a day? Can't remember! he starts Tuesday. No to sterilising
I’m glad I’m not the only one who was baffled by the transition 😂 I still use the same bottles for milk at night time and for if we go out during the day for the sake of ease. I think they have to have cows milk until they’re around 2 🧐 & we stopped sterilising after her 1st birthday xx