When did you start potty training?

Where do you start?! Absolutely step 1? First step??? My baby is 18months in 4 days.
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I wait until they show signs like letting you know they need a diaper or start taking diaper off- my daughter will be 2 in February and we will probably be starting in a few weeks

I also have a potty chair just out that I let her sit on for fun

My lo just turned 18 months and we are gearing up for it as well. I am going with the "oh crap potty training" method I like how it's broken up into blocks. Right now we have some board books about using the potty and we are practicing pushing down her pants.

My boy is 14 months old and we are going to start at end of the month. He keeps squatting down when going bathroom lol so we going to start trying lol

My daughter is 2 years and 2 months old almost. Still ain’t potty trained. She is showing signs finally. She isn’t getting it tho lol it’s a process

I started when my daughter was 2,5 and fluent in speaking. I found that to be a good time to start because she was able to say when she needed to go to potty. I used the "Oh crap!" training manual and found it good- she got trained in 5 days.

I trained my boy at 2y3m and he got day in a weekend and nights a week later. My girls picked it up earlier- 19m and 21m. My main goal was to start them off in 3yr old kinder fully trained and I achieved that for all 3 kids so i started the summer of around 2yrs old whenever that was. If I had waited more for our girls they would’ve turned 2 around winter so I started in summer - I go by season not age. So whatever age they are that second summer as it’s easier to have their pants off and in undies while it’s hot outside.

With my son we've waited till 2 years and I regret it. Next one we're starting as soon as they start walking. I regret waiting because he fights it so much now and is so used to the diaper he almost fears the potty.

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