I took progesterone to make my period start and then took something else to make me ovulate…I don’t know what it was called and I can’t find it in my Walgreens account. I’d ask your doctor about it! Mine gave it to me basically no questions asked and we’d only been trying for 6ish months. I had been tracking ovulation and told him I wasn’t getting positive results and about my irregular periods and he suggested the medicine. We got pregnant the second month on the meds
Thank you guys so much. It can be so hard
Yeah, ask them for letrozle or clomid, after the progesterone, which will help you ovulate!
I also don't ovulate regularly. My cycle before conceiving my daughter was 130 days. I just learned about this carrot salad that can help you detox from estrogen dominance. If you have too high of estrogen it messes up all of your other hormone levels. I just made a post with some links for more info! I'm going to start taking it and see if I will start to have a regular cycle! I'm excited to see what happens
Letrozole significantly shortened my cycles. Plus it's really cheap!
Ask to take medroxyprogesterone, I was bleeding so long and my period was so irregular, I took this pill for 10 days and after 4 days I got my period. Ever since it has been 3 month since my period has been spot on resulting in cycle days 28-32. I do also take prenatal, metformin(which I think really really helped my period cycle) and inositol.