Baby arrival 💙🩵❤️

Waters broke at 37+4 went to hospital and already having unknown mild contractions (in back and felt like bum pain!). After contractions getting worse then baby boy arrived 37+5 within the space of a few hours 😬🙈 (emergency c-section though!). Baby was due 20th January and arrived 3rd January!
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Aw congratulations, he's gorgeous! Did you have any signs before then? As I'm 37+1 today and have absolutely no signs he's coming anytime soon! I'm just being impatient haha

@Louise any early signs… I suppose I didn’t. I felt exhausted laid on the sofa, felt like I wanted to be sick and felt very full. I moved side ways and pop my waters broke. Completely unexpected I suppose? My first baby came at 36+6 so I thought it would be soon maybe? Good luck ❤️❤️

Congrats my one came early as well hahaha 38+5 days

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