Bipolar kids
My husband is bipolar, and I had a daughter with him. I’m so scared that she might be bipolar too. Of course, if that’s the case, I will love and support her with all my heart, but I know it causes a lot of suffering, and I don’t want my daughter to suffer like my beloved husband does. If you or your partner are bipolar, do your kids have the disorder too? What was the first sign you noticed in them? What was their ages when you found out?
Hi, as I’m pregnant with my first I do not have the exact answer for you. However, I was diagnosed in 2016 (my 20s). My maternal grandmother had Bipolar and begun experiencing episodes after her first baby (my mum). My paternal aunt is also Bipolar and first experienced episodes after a traumatic event I think in her 30s. I am also convinced my Dad who’s passed was Bipolar but never received a formal diagnosis. There definitely seems to be a genetic trail on my side of things. And yes, Bipolar can cause a lot of suffering. But having supportive people around you who understand that the episodes are apart of the disorder and do not define who the person truly is when outside of those episodes, will help to support that person! If I look back at my childhood, I most definitely had low days and days that I felt more motivated and energetic. But I had a wonderful childhood and am very thankful to my parents for that. So that’s what I would suggest you focus on for your children 💕