
Have any of you March 2024 moms fallen pregnant since being blessed with your little one? I've just found out I'm around 3weeks pregnant. I had a c-section with my little one back in March and now im a little worried. I think I'm here for reassurance with a couple of things. Will I be okay after having the c-section? What do i do regarding work as I'm still on maternity till March? Is there anything I need to avoid regarding being pregnant now and looking after my little one? Think I need help🫣😂
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Yes I’m 9 weeks and 3 days and to be honest for all your questions I don’t really know since I’m still super early but with the job situation I’m just gonna be doing work from home because I was welder.

I don’t have any advice, I’m just sharing but I had my little one March 17 and I haven’t had a period since thanksgiving but no positive test yet. I’m usually on time so this is odd to me. I also had a c section

Congratulations, and you can do this 💪 I had my bub 24th March and currently 35 weeks pregnant 🫣 I had a vaginal delivery so can't give advice on the c-section part but I have a friend who had 2 bubs 15 months apart with c-section and she said the recovery was the same. For the work situation, I returned to WFH around June and have just finished up. It was manageable. Lastly, I would say it's more challenging into the 3rd trimester with a little one to look after, but early on, I was beyond exhausted all the time so slept when bub did, meaning the house was put off alot and kept to taking care of basic needs until I had energy to do more.

yes i’m 10 weeks. i don’t have advice because i worked up until i had him and i was 5 weeks and 6 days PP when i went back. best i could say is pray on it and i wish you the best honey. xoxo

Kinda glad I'm not the only one that's fallen pregnant so soon then🫣😂 Mad to think about having 2 under 2s

I'm 25 weeks along now and my March baby is almost 10 months old, I had an urgent c section with her and so far I'm doing okay! Aches and pains freak me out but honestly just experiencing alot of the same things as I did with my first

I’m 12 weeks and 6 days and I had a natural with my son I haven’t had any aches or pains but i have stool problems

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