This is normal but because moms are scared about what people think it’s never talked about it. My daughter is 5 months and I still question so much. I’m 31 so an older mom and I did ivf for years. So I wanted this. Was excited. But I didn’t feel the connection during the pregnancy and I was told oh you’ll feel it when she comes. Well it’s still weird for me. I don’t have that connection that I’m expected to have. And because of that I feel like a horrible mother. I’ve talked to other moms like this but it still feels horrible. I had a traumatic birth and tried for months to breastfeed and that just killed my mental health that I couldn’t provide. If you ever need to talk or just want to vent please. Message me
Normal feelings to have, in my opinion. Something that helped me: i stopped thinking that things should be/ could be different. I believe in destiny, and God is the most excellent of planners, even when we think we know what's best for ourselves. Know that you are not alone and there's an 'invisible hand' guiding you through life. Right now, you are going to be mom, and soon you can get back to your other plans, but try to enjoy the ride, with the unpredictable bumps and all :)
Listen- sooo many moms experience this. Two of the best moms I know were so resentful and not excited to be parents. It changes at birth. I was not ready either. I bought a house with my husband the month before and moved into our home to raise our son at 8.5 months pregnant. When you hold your daughter- your emotions and everything shift. As for the boyfriend- don’t forget that number 1 priority is you and your daughter. It sounds like he isn’t ready to contribute and that is honestly on him to figure out and on you to decide if you can add his load into your shoulders. A good partner is a full partner. Don’t forget that your daughter can have a relationship with him even if you aren’t living together or romantically together. It may be helpful having him there at the beginning to be a support. He should there to feed, burp, swaddle, and change your daughter. But he can be there to do laundry, cook, clean the house, bring you food and water while nursing/pumping as well.