I had high blood pressure just before Christmas at 37 weeks. Ended up seeing my midwife and then she rang triage as it was 137/96. I had blood tests done, urine, gestional diabetes tested, all came back normal. My usual is 130/75. I stayed in hospital for 2 nights to control it and now on blood pressure tablets. I also have to go back to hospital twice a week to check it. Anything over 90 is considered high so get checked for yourself and baby. Xx
I’m 38 weeks today and my blood pressure has been high at my last 3 midwife appointments and I’ve ended up being monitored for it on the MAU and it’s been fine and baby has been fine but I’d much rather they be monitoring it than leaving it. If you’re worried about it, I’d call triage x
The average for adults is usually taken as 120/80 - I don't think it's too high and if it's your normal even before pregnancy there shouldn't be any concerns ~ however if this is making you feel unwell and maybe strong palpitations, you should call a professional and ask regardless of what the numbers say xx
Thanks everyone I’m in triage just getting checked over xx
I’ve been checked It’s very much borderline, no protein in my urine though so that’s good but they want me to go for regular monitoring so I’m back in on Wednesday 😊thanks for all the advice xx
I've been told anything sitting above 90 as the number below is considered high. I would absolutely call and get checked out x